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MUSIC is life itself. What would this world be without good music? No matter what kind it is?
Louis Armstrong

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Thank you for visiting my website as this is where I get to share about what I do everyday.


Music has been a part of my life even before I was born.  My mother, who was a dentist, studied voice and sang arias and artsongs while I was still in her tummy.


My father, who was a radio and television technician, built stereos from scratch with vaccum tubes!  He would play orchestral music in the evenings before he sold the unit so he can build another one.








As far as I can remember, not a day went by in the house without music being played or sung.  From my first piano lesson, I've been studying, enjoying and sharing music.










Today, I serve as the General Music Teacher at Lewis and Clark Elementary School, the music director of the North Coast Chorale and the Cascadia Chamber Opera, pianist and organist of Grace Episcopal Church, piano and organ instructor at the Astoria Conservatory of Music, and the pianist for the 2022 Season of "Shanghaied in Astoria" at the Astor Street Opry Company.


Below are the organizations I am able to share my love of music through teaching or performing.  Their website contains photos or music videos that are appropriate for all ages.

Please visit their website by clicking their logo and listen to or imagine the music that may emanate from them.


Thank you again!

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The Chorale enjoying food, drinks and laughter during the annual Potluck the weekend before the year's first rehearsal.

The Chorale is looking forward to the season and rehearsals are on the way,

which is Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 at the Larsen Center.



If you are interested in singing with fun-loving singers, then join us now.

It's not too late.


Questions?  Interested?

Contact Dr. Centeno at



Charlene Larsen Center for the Performing Arts
588 16th Street
Astoria, OR  97103

Great Opera Choruses

The newly founded Cascadia Chamber Opera Chorus will present its Premiere performance on Sunday, Oct 2nd at 4 PM.
Works will be by Gershwin, Bizet, Verdi, Puccini, and Purcell
Location: The Charlene Larsen Center for the Performing Arts
588 16th Street, Astoria OR  97103

Bernard Robe, Board President

Bereniece Jones-Centeno, Co-Founder and Artistic Director

Vincent D. Jones-Centeno, Music Director



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The Conservatory has been providing private lessons on flute, guitar, piano, pipe organ, violin and voice.  There are also classes in music theory, Kindermusik, and a children's chorus.   Please contact the conservatory or send me an email for details.
I am one of several instructors at the Conservatory.  I teach Keyboard Studies (Piano and Pipe Organ), Symphonic Band Instruments, Music Theory and Composition.
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